
’’Ahora formo parte de SIP, una de las empresas de iluminación más importantes de España.’’ Marc Llusià
I’ve started as a lighting technician in 2009, and very quickly I saw that I want to be Gaffer.

I started as a lighting technician in 2009, and very soon I saw that I wanted to be a Gaffer, so I worked until I got a master’s degree at ESCAC. The studies at ESCAC helped me to empathize with the problems and doubts that may arise for the cinematographer on set, in this way I have been able to better work the lighting of a scene next to the DOP.

Currently I have worked as a Gaffer for 5 years, combining feature films with commercials and some internationally recognized music videos.
Now I am part of SIP, one of the most important lighting companies in Spain.